What to do when facing a dental emergency
Suffering from a dental issue is never fun, whether its intense sensitivity or a loose tooth. Not all teeth-related issues are emergencies, but when they are, it’s vital to visit an experienced dental practitioner as soon as possible to prevent the problem from worsening.
Understanding what constitutes a dental emergency, and when to book an immediate appointment with a trusted emergency dentist in Cockburn is one of the most important ways to properly look after your oral health.
The following guide outlines how to know whether you’re facing a dental emergency, and what to do if you are.
Is your dental issue an emergency?
A dental emergency is classed as an oral health issue that requires immediate medical attention, similar to a serious health problem anywhere else on your body. In order to determine whether your problem is a reason to call your emergency dentist Port Coogee, there are several queries you can ask yourself.
If you answer yes to any of the following questions, call your emergency dental clinic straight away:
- Is the pain intense and sustained?
- Are you bleeding (not including minor gum bleeding)?
- Do you have an infection of any kind?
- Have you lost a tooth?
- Do you have any loose teeth? This is only common in children.
Common dental emergencies
If you suspect you have a serious oral health problem, it’s important to visit your emergency dentist Cockburn as soon as possible, to prevent long term effects or further deterioration of the injured area.
Understanding what constitutes a dental emergency is key to knowing when to call Allied Dental for an immediate appointment. Typical cases include:
- An abscessed tooth, as the infection can worsen and cause a serious toothache, as well as a high fever.
- A cracked or chipped tooth with sharp edges, which can hurt as well as cause harm to your mouth’s interior and surrounding teeth.
- A knocked out tooth, which constitutes an emergency because the quicker you visit your dentist the more likely it is it can be reattached. Rinse it gently, and keep it in milk until at your dental clinic.
When to visit an emergency dental clinic
One of the best ways to carefully preserve your natural teeth throughout the years is having a reliable emergency dentist Port Coogee to call whenever a dental emergency occurs. Serious oral health issues tend to come as a surprise, so knowing who to call under pressure is a sure fire way to minimise the damage, while knowing an experienced dental practitioner is on hand to fix the problem.
Certain issues may seem like an emergency, but usually require a standard dentist appointment to fix the problem, as opposed to an immediate visit. Should you experience one of these instances, such as a minor toothache, non-painful chipped tooth, or missing filling or crown, simply call Allied Dental today to book an efficient appointment to rectify the issue.
Choose a reliable emergency dentist Cockburn
Allied Dental is a leading provider of quality dental care to the people of Perth, offering key services from general and cosmetic dentistry, dental restoration, and operating as a reliable emergency dentist in Port Coogee and Cockburn.
Contact us today to book an emergency dental appointment, or with any queries about an oral health issue.